Creativity, Social and emotional growth are just as important as academic learning. Learning to process and follow directions, playing with others, communicating with others, & listening to others, is an essential part of Early Years development. Understanding the development of different age groups is essential in ensuring a child’s emotional growth is supported according to their age and development needs.

Language is used to communicate meaning!
Children learn language more readily if they are communicated to with meaningful activities that require communication.
Here are some ways to develop language with your child:
Demonstrate various pitches & volumes. Voice modulation allows the message of the communication to come across clearly integrating words & their meaning into the child’s concept.
Auditory sequential numbers to ten and repetition of familiar nursery rhymes, especially those that engage the child in the physical aspect of the communication allow language meaning to integrate cognitively.
Physical activities, exercise, and dance are enjoyable ways for children to build sequential motor & language patterning.
When children begin to understand why they can begin the scaffolding of auditory reasoning.
Listening to a child & allowing their communication to evolve allows a child to communicate confidently. In turn, this allows a child to cognitively begin to understand the value of listening. Modelling behaviour that is supportive of self-expression.
Allow vivid make-to-believe, ask questions and let the wonderful language tapestry unfold when the child becomes the storyteller.
Words become instruments for concept, perception, and communication in relationships by allowing favourite stories to be repeated over & over.
Count pages of books, especially favourite ones, to support numeracy, literacy, and understanding sequentiality.